Monday, July 15, 2013

Left ya hanging...

For those of you who do not frequently see me, I am actually back in PA.  I've been here about two or three weeks and I've neglected you.  I apologize. Finished one adventure and ran in to about 5 others!

So I left you at Yosemite I believe.  Yosemite can't be topped.  It really can't. But there is one thing you don't find at Yosemite, and that's beer.

I was told before I even revved up the engine for the drive that this brewery was a MUST STOP.  I wasn't just told once either. I was pestered, I was flagged down, I was TOLD. Not that you have to twist my arm to try a new beer...

So after Yosemite I found myself slumming it in Santa Rosa on the main restaurant district of town. It was a quick 20-30 minutes from the house.  A very short trip in comparison to others I had recently done.

And when you are a traveler, you find it easy to make friends.  I was trying to send my friend from back home a tease picture of the sign for the brewery, as I am known to do from time to time when you 12 monthers are working and I am not.

Then wouldn't you know two smokers came upon me and offered to take my picture by the sign:

I'm sure you can tell by my facial expression that I wasn't exactly keen on getting my picture taken with a sign. But it was more a badgering that an offer. So what the heck.  I must really like this sign!

And I guess its been awhile since I've held any conversations because I just got to talking to these two before I even entered the bar and they pointed out their friend at the deck to show me where they were sitting and offered to share in some company. They said they'd be in after they were done their drag:

And like any normal human being I offered in return to try to weird out said friend (who looks a little like Gerard Butler I think). I told them I'd sit right next to this guy after I got a pint and pick my nose right in front of him. So like normal drunk people who are smoking just yards away from their friend, they hid behind a pillar and giggled until I came back.

Now don't be silly.  I didn't pick my nose. I am not that weird (or not that drunk....YET). I came out with my liquid courage, put my arm around this guy and asked the traditional question of any guy/girl interlude..."How you DOING?!"

Interject wild laughter from behind the pillar.

Guy didn't skip a beat, "great now that you're here."

Welcome to the Russian River Brewery my friends!  I highly recommend it!

I haven't laughed so long and so hard with such wonderful beer in a very VERY long time.

Within that evening (I noticed it the next day) I had received three pieces of paper stuffed into the side pocket of my backpack. One was a card from a life coach I met inside while getting a round. I don't recall what I said to this man, but clearly I need help.

The other two pieces of paper were from a guy whose name escapes me at the moment, but who I do recall holding my hand for half the night (which is really sweet, except it makes it really difficult to drink your beer). The card was recycled and a little coincidental because who ever had given the card to him to write on had my last name, and then had his name written on the back with his number. I don't know what I said to this guy, but everyone knew I was only here for a week or so more. I don't know what he thought he was going to get out of this deal.

As for the second bit,  I guess I may have mentioned that I'd probably forget him, his name, and his he gave me his receipt with the back inscribed as "hey Jax, don't forget to call me."

You can imagine the next morning, I was flattered, confused, and very amused by my exploration of one brewery in Santa Rosa.
