Sunday, December 26, 2010

Final Reflection

Throughout the course, we have discovered UDL, DI, technology and how these theories and concepts interrelate. While I have heard of Differentiated Instruction and technology and had some history of utilizing each in the classroom, UDL is a wholly new concept. However, all of these concepts have a fresh, new and more in depth value in my classroom as we have learned how they connect to one another.

In my classroom, there is larger impact each time I open the doors each morning. I have used surveys, and utilized other technology in order to give the students ownership over their education and to make information more accessible to every student. Providing options through technology makes creating this environment for my students very simple.

I have already begun to utilize simple technology like web2.0 tools and technology that is associated with our textbook to create centers for lessons. The students have freedom to move through the information at their own speed and choose their own notes and practices while coming to the same accomplishments. I have found that providing options for all usually helps the students who require certain differentiation according to their IEPs without much additional planning. Conversely, providing different types of options for assessments utilizes every students' strengths to their advantage, especially in regards to their learning styles.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). “Universal Design for Learning” [Educational video]. Baltimore: Author.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). Introduction: Knowing Your Students [DVD] Reaching and engaging all learners through technology. Baltimore: Author.